How men respond to me at different body weights and how I Shape Shifted! "There is Some-Body for Every-Body!"

05/26/2015 10:45

There is somebody for every-body!

How men respond to me at different body weights...


If you are dating some one who is not wildly attracted to you because of your weight,

 read this and consider;  

 Are you the right weight for you?

Or is he or she not right one for you?


 One thing I realized from the outrageous fun of this journey is; 

There is somebody for every-body!


I have the interesting fortune to be someone who's weight has fluctuated 70lbs up and then down twice over ten years. 

Its like shapeshifting in one life span! This has given me a fascinating insight into the way attraction and weight are entwined.

However what I learned is not at all what I would have expected! 


 Every body type is super attractive to people who resonate together.

If he/she is not wild about your kind of breathtaking beauty there definitely is some one who is absolutely wild for you right as you are!

 Being adored and worshiped and physically nourished in every way is a much different life!

 Why bother with being ignored, put down, and tactilely malnourished, or used?

Ask yourself…. truly;

 what is the point of a lover for in your life? Loving you? Being your best friend? Nourishing your body with admiration and touch?Helping your spirit really grow?

Turning you on by being all of these so you can drink the heavenly nectar of body bliss?


Or are you sacrificing all this for security? If children are involved that is totally understandable.

Yet even with the consideration of children you can still choose the security of self love! 

Or do you deny yourself an adoring partner because you just think you are not  lovable pretty or handsome enough? 

Thats not even possible!!! It's all about saying "No!" to those who are not able to celebrate you, and then walking away!

 Re-entering Eden is about saying "yes!" and really turning toward the ones who are just dying to love you!

All the pragmatic help will come to make this a safe transition into your own version of Eden! 

Take it from me, Eve!!



So ask your self…"Am I ready to experience devotional attention, in intimacy?" 


Yes! Of course you are! you've always been ready!!! 

 Ok so before I tell you what happened for me remember that these weights are relative to body size and bone structure. A taller more muscular person than I will look fabulous at 200lbs. And a slender person will of course look fabulouse  when residing in self love!

 I am 5ft 4" with small bones so 200lbs is actually really unhealthy for me. Weight looks beautiful when it's naturally healthy to a persons body type. But even at my worst health I enjoyed these interesting adventures! 


This is not a great weight for me. I was so uncomfortable I couldn't sit comfortably and I love sitting. Meditation becomes no fun. It caused me  crippling arthritis,I couldn't go up and down stairs without clinging to banisters. I moved my bedroom into the downstairs laundry room. For my frame its too much  weight to carry all day. I felt sluggish and even small tasks were so hard I felt like crying. I was depressed because I was not turned on by me, and my energy was so low I was summoning Herculian effort to change my life and body at the same time. Being in love was so remote because I was not in  love with me. 

I lost the first weight I needed to lose by getting two cases of Mangosteen juice with a high Periarp Xanthone content. I took this miraculous delicious juice three times a day. from this juice alone I was able to lose the first 23lbs. Moste notably emediatly I lost my depression. This gave me new courage to was change areas of my life that were toxic for me. Mangosteen also cured my arthritis completely. I gained high energy! I was able to leave my marriage that was long overdo for us to releas each other. I ounted eleven times we had made love over 15 years. I knew because I was practicing the rythm method for contraception and I was dutyful and successful at it. So every time was writen down along with every period I had had and evey ovulation. NO wonder I was eating so much! I was emotionally and physically starving! I thought I had become unloveable except tfor the reys of sunshine flowing to me from a super sexy friend always showing me I was hot to him.



One of the most healing passionate love affairs of my life energized me in every way at this weight . 

Two things were certain;


 A) The weight although still uncomfortable for me, was in no way keeping me from love and passion! 

In fact my lover at the time  came from  big women and didn't want anything less.


B)  The weight also definately offered me protection. 

No one flirted with me unless we had electric chemistry and or deep friendship that nourished me on a heart level.

And when I was my biggest I really knew who my friends were and weren't. To much of the world I was actually invisible. 



Yet I was so out of shape that I could no longer recognize myself in the mirror. I had always been a really athletic dancer. You would think that heaviness would be  just the end of romance for me….

But instead it was the powerful beginning of experiencing real self love and manly love of the feminine divine flowing toward me. 

What came next was a ride of great love and passion blossoming right out of this full flowering pot-belly of great body fullness.

His sexy energy was so healing that the weight began peeling off me as I shed my fears of intimacy and self denial.

My lovers adoration of me in so many ways was a revelation that soothed every pain in my body. 

 It had been sixteen years since I had allowed myself to be adored,

 and apparently luscious soft pillowy woman hood was the perfect body to find authentic connection that was really woman centered loving!.


At 188 lbs lbs 

This is the weight of abundantly available one night stands. I thought it was because men think "she's an easy mark"and maybe guys think…. "I'll raise her self esteem by saying some patronizingly kind things and giving her my seed"…one white guy admitted he thought "Her low self esteem is adorable, her insecurity will make her really try hard to please me!" At this weight Men of all types and ages seem to rally to the cause. I wondered, do they feel glorified in "helping her out"? Do  they take pity on the poor neglected chubby duckling who must be desperate for some sex? But this is all low self esteem talking. THis is my brainwashing from the media that isists men should be interested in teenage children not women. No wed have it all wrong!! According to my new friend from Zimbabwe the reson so many men hit on me at this weight was because this voluptuous esss curvy juicy fruity weight is actually the most stimulating to the men who do love women (not girls). He went on to insist this is an irrisistable weight to men. And its not out of pity. He said"if a man has a hard on its because he's turned on and this weight is biologically the most childbearing looking, and is a deep turn on to men even if they don't want kids! Another friend of mine who was a famouse model for many years and lived helped me clear up my confusion. He said " the fasion industry that insists on the ideal of feminine beauty being teenagers who have yet to sprout boobs etc. is run by women and gay guys. They made up this idea. But women are afraid of their own bodies and gay guys are attracted to men! This ideal was never created by men! 

At this weight I fell for one night stands several times thinking there was soul connection! Then when I caught on to the whole game I took full advantage of the handouts! I played the "so terribly neglected one"…"who really never had anyone go down on her "… who also suffered from "always serving the mans prerogative"…then when I was good and satisfied I could always tell tell them after they gave me the kind of attention I wanted""oh by the way I follow super safe sex rules…so we can't do much more!"That way they really got to be heroes! Ok well the truth was almost that fun except I realized I don't like one night stands at all ever again! 



 Women love me! They say things like "wow, I can't believe your wearing that!", "your so…all…woman! your so brave!",  "Oh my! What's the occasion? vavavoom!" I'm no threat, I look…well lets just say I make the women feel really confident. I think they feel "if she can get all that attention and not look that great, I wouldn't even have to embarrass my self to dress like that". Men say things like "so how does it feel to have once been super hot?"Its a really uncomfortable weight for me because I feel fit enough to want to celebrate with sexy outfits that are all too small. Yet my archetype would look more authoritative in a chic business style I can't pull off for the life of me. If I go hippy chic I'm too old for my natural roots. At this weight in hippy clothes I look sadly pathetic and outdated instead of "Rad". So I dress wild gypsy instead and just deal with the consequences. 


At 166 lbs

African men and latino guys and afro -american men go nuts over me!!! The Latino's ask the right questions, they give the best compliments! The Latinos are smart about the first kiss. They wait till after they have made me dizzy with poetic compliments aimed right at my pussy-heart! But as soon as they accomplish this feat they go for the daring kill! Maybe they can tell I'm all buttered up by my slurred speech. Using ancient tried and true techniques they kiss when the endorphins of lust over love are sufficiently flooding me, they grab me and kiss me with total passionate abandon in the most romantic way, with the most perfect timing and the most ritualistically magical location. While the African American men are very conservative with the moves. This wariness is probably for good reason. They offer me wonderful conversation and seem to really be more interested in traditional old fashioned deep commitment. Yet the African men tend to honeymoon me immediately and kiss me before I have time to build a longing…so the pace is off for me and I end up putting up walls that have to be taken down later. Interestingly both the Latino and African and Afro-american men have powerful mothers, who emanate self worth. THis means they are attracted to women instead of girls. Its so fun to date these men for many reasons! ( this is another story coming soon.) For one thing I am loved for the way i naturally am! And then of course there is always a lot of fantastic food going on! And my body is all plumped up ready for the squeezing! 

155 lbs

I'm a Goddess streaming heavenly rays of sensual abundance…I blind everyone… (is that a good thing?) 

All the guys lose their confidence to approach…(is that a bad thing?)

Ummmm… yeah, lets say its all really really goooood! Ok? But see at this weight whats going on is that my vanity gets really fun and out of hand.

 At this perfect weight for my health I am full of energy. I feel like I'm twenty years old. I'm the Depak Chopra cover girl, I'm wonder woman reversing time and my age is irrelevant now.

Im totally in love with myself and forget that I need a man, naw a mirror is better… I don't notice much about how guys are responding to me.

 It's finally my chance to snag a Stag but apparently I miss all the cues.  Prince Charming can do jumping jacks but I don't see him….

I blinded myself…

I'm too busy looking at my momentary approximation of Boobsy Booop!! Im busy dressing up in all the clothes that I saved till this day.

 I'm enjoying how cute I finally look in the mirror, trying new hairdos, fussing with my all new wardrobe, sewing all my clothes smaller 

( this time is the last time I shred and take scizzors to all my clothes I swear!)

 and I'm feeling the heavenly endorphins of my perfect health and joyous balance! Aw but one bummer is,  

at this weight the Latinos and Black guys always start threatening that they are losing interest. 

But on the bright side, Brazilian, and Jewish guys are ready to rock with luscious curves and muscle bones!!! 

And they are probably rich too, so if I could just remember that I need a guy… we could hook up or something... 

144 lbs

I lose my boobs, I loose my hips, I loose my big boody….no more Boobsy Boop:( 

Suddenly white guys want me. They stop me on the street (all ages).


(Ok so white guys, I'm gonna roast you now, but I'm roasting myself too, so it's all in the family right?

 so please take this very personally if any of it pertains to you and take notes too. Ok?)


The white guys really don't need me to say anything much. They talk the whole time. ok, my apologies to all my wonderful white guy friends you have other wonderful attributes!

 which is another story coming…."why certain white guys make such good buddies".


The white guys don't bother to ask any real questions (unless they answer them for me) but why should they ask?

 It doesn't matter who I am on the inside because I'm skinny!

The white guys are generally more in their heads (both heads!). They are strangely lacking in artistic pick up lines.

 So they don't bother, they just pretend to know me. If they have thought this through, its worse!..

 because the pick up line is coming from the heads instead of the heart, soul, or body.


I wish they knew how to be more spontaneous and take liberties with poetic license straight from the authentic buzz between us.

 But thats the thing there usually isn't a buzz. They were never even looking for hot chemistry. Are they looking for an image to go with their car?

Or maybe it's ancestral law of attraction to ones own heritage body type?. 

I dunno but I just can't feel much heart or body chemistry resonating from them, and they seem happy or ignorant to live without it. 

If only they followed the basic "Buzzz" instinct. the whole thing would flow for them with a totally different kind of woman than me. 

Maybe they could go for some one not out of any media image whom they have actual chemistry with, then they might even get laid. 


When I'm skinny over and over its similar….as soon as we get acquainted they expect me to be their side kick jock . Maybe cause I look like them? What seems to turn them on is, I guess…themselves?  I'm supposed to want to go swimming biking and hiking, running and skiing ( oh my god I hate running, and ski-ing!) But all I can really think about is food.  Im too weak to resist the plans they set in motion, yet also too weak to do the sporty thing. And Im hungry again,right now gotta have a snack! And iif I dont get a snack I'm too passive from hunger to resist their deluge of directives for me. They assume this is a good thing. At some point I end up expiring from dehydration or boredom.


Usually its the first kiss that wakes me up to the absurd situation! The first kiss for these white guys most likely comes a long way into the dating process. Its been thought about and planned out. And they warn me in advance its coming, there is no surprise element. But by then I think they must be kidding.( I never thought we were dating. I have been happily thinking we are clearly just new friends with no chemistry!). But that first terrible no chemistry kiss is a real destroyer of all illusions for me. 

Yet some how they forgive me, and tell me how they plan to teach me how to kiss.


Then there are the ones who are doing their best to get out of their heads without many tools. 

So it might be pot or alcohol that helps them relax, and now I'm no longer speaking to them. 

The more juicy white guys don't need drugs to relax or to rev up. They are integrated white guys who nurture their bodies spirits hearts and creativity and have gained enough inner freedom to be able to ask questions and deeply listen.

 These white men are more open to me at any body weight.


And there is also some dim hope at my most measly weight because at this slender emaciated shadow of myself Asian men and men of India now like me. 

Only problem is, I won't last long as their ideal….their food is too good!   


Love yourself! There is some-body for every -body! 


You are spectacularly beautiful on your own terms!

Sweetness! love Eve Christoph