About Eve's love

This blog is all about "Radical Femme-ness" Deeply feminine empowerment based in pleasure, joy, love and creative freedom!

I am sharing in order to broaden womens' daily pleasure into our full potential for blissful orgasmic living!

This will give men more joy than they can possibly imagine!

 Pleasure is a path!

 Let's dance this path together!

My purpose in sharing is to free us from our habitual way of limiting our bliss.

By sharing with you I am freeing myself while I speak and make art about taboo unspeakable things.

I welcome you to allow yourself to be as tranceformed as I am by this joyful journey. 

This metamorphasis I am navigating is all about making- love- real. 

May everything you receive here bring you..

True Love! More fun! More Joy! Deep truth! irreverent questions! 

Passionate peace! Wild self expression! Inner freedom!

 Come with me and be uplifted as we lift the viels of pain one by one

 We will reveal together the love that we really are!

the gifts I offer you

On this site may you enjoy my personal most intimate stories and essays 

Each entry will be acompanied by my artistic creations in addition to my writting

This is so that I can reach your heart and body and soul in addition to your beautiful mind

The five arts always silence my noisy ego mind 

Through them I can communicate more directly to you my experience beyond words

pure conciousness arising

through my Writting, Drawings, Paintings, Songs, Dances, & Theatrical creations I offer you a sacred doorway

I hope you feel with me how this blog is actually Mother Divine's porthole for us both. 

This door swings both ways...you can jump through it to new realms here 

You can also allow Divine love to flow to you through how our hearts are openiing together

May our invocations here bring us blessings of our most joyous self actualisation!  


what you will receive

I will be sharing something new with you every week! 

I hope you receive laughter, tears of joy, and heart opening, whenever you come home to me!