Eve's full biography

05/21/2015 20:29


Eve Christoph Is a passionate worshiper of the Divine Feminine. 
She finds her joy in connection to Goddess energy by Singing and dancing with friends and laughing-writing and acting or painting her bliss! She has immersed herself in the healing power of the five arts her whole life. She follows her own hearts guidance to bring more feminine energy to the world. Her blog and song demos on her own you tube channel are her most recent offerings to help others find their own passionate joy and express our own sacred feminine. Her music ignites her own overflowing love and joy as an offering to the Goddess' heart of the world!

That all may sound very romantic so what about getting things done? Right? The following accomplishment show how what ever Eve stets her heart out to recieve and give becomes an exponentially more bountiful river for many! Here are a list of Eve's Accomplishments in reverse chronilogical order; 

1) she was raised in a musical improvisational theater company. 
So she became a seasoned performer by age 13 having held leading rolls is 25 musical productions over six years. She was an asisstant to the directer on every aspect of the theater from class planning to make up sets props lighting and costume design and eventually play writing and directing. She wrote and directed her first improvisational company play when she was sixteen. At this time she lived abroad and worked as a nanny to afford to go to a private school of her choice.She was then accepted to Johnston state college Gifted and talented summer intensive. She was unanimously accepted into all five art categories by separate audition and chose to dance with the professional New York company members for the summer.

2) She wrote and directed her first musical in her first year of college, for college credits at the university without walls at UMass. She worked with infants and toddlers at this time and was Nanny for another family to put herself through school..

She had a spiritual awakening "Shaktipat" experience with Baba Muktananda at age 14. This began a life time of meditation and chanting practices. As a teenager she meditated or chanted three hours a day for many years while the Divine Shakti was unfolding in her. There was nothing more wonderful she wanted to do but to simply feel the Heavens within!

3) When she came out of her inner bliss she wanted to do something to become part of the world and contribute actively in an outer way. So She completed three murals along the way. She completed her third largest mural in her second year of college. Her murals still exist to this day. Her first is mural is at Townshend Leland and Grey high school Vt. ( of a naked native American Healer woman and her fire under the full moon) the second is at Amherst high school in Mass, ( of the sacred balance of the spirit of fire and the spirit of water surrounding our planet) and the third is her "Tree Of Life" mural in front of the Bangs Community Center in Amherst mass. This mural depicts all world religions as offerings on the branches of one sacred tree. She raised the funds for this 40 by 20 foot mural, then took out a loan and funded the rest of it herself. To paint it she over came many challenges over two years including learning how to assemble scaffolding on her own at 19 years old.

4) After she completed her mural she began seriously studying opera. She studied for fifteen years and held four title rolls in operatic productions. In her culminating performance she sang in a cathedral 15 of the worlds most famuse arias. However this passionate study was not so much about becoming an operatic performer. Actually she was studying the way Operatic singing gave her the feeling of being emmersed in Angelic energy through sound.

5) during this time she also studied dance at the five colleges and was part of a performing African dance company. The rhythms of the ancestors and sexual celebration of African dance gave her the root and grounding to counterbalance the opera. She supported her self at this time as a jeweler for the Riddle works crystal art jewlery company, and by doing night shifts.

6) at age 25 she worked as a Burlesque dancer on and off over three years. During this time she painted many of her best paintings.

7) She then recieved two sholarships for Artists residencsencies at Cummington community of the Arts. There she created and performed a one woman show. In this performance she played 24 characters from her Burlesque dancing right of passage. She also created and sold ten shrine nest sculptures from this residency as well.

8 ) To "birth" herself as a professional Artist She created "Birth of the Mother Sanctuary Project". She galvanised 18 sponcers to contribute 25-50 $ per month to help her live her art all day while camping on"Culebra", an island of paradyse of Puerto Rico. This project was a success! Over nine months Eve Danced-sang-acted-wrote-and painted all through out the days, along with swimming hiking and boating and cooking over a camp fire! Her sponsors all recieved hand made books of her best work documenting her inner journey.

9) around this time she had a mystical experience in a dream. This dream healed a large portion of her dyslexia. She was finally able to read ,after 28 years without reading comprehension from Dyslexia. (see "a dream that changed my life" on Eve's blogg cms.eve-s-love.webnode.com)

10) She then studied Plant Spirit Medicine " with Elliot Cowan intensivly for two years and had a healing practice in a meadow of wild deer and many other animals she lived with.This time period lead to another mystical dream that altered the course of her life. She Ended up in Mexico in a right of passage called "the Zap" or "heart compass reconnection surgery"with a great Healer named David Wyley and his old Nahuatle teacher Don Lucio "tyhe weather worker shaman". This was her real right of passage into her souls dream of really living.

1) right after "The Zap" she suffered 30 concussions from a fall down a mountain and ended up in bed for 8 months with "Spirit Flaims" going in and out of her head. She learned to surrender time and space onec again. The gift from Muktananda helped her very much at this time. She just meditated eight hours a day for 8 months in timeless joy. But every morning she was given three hours before standing caused her black outs. In these hours she continued her healing practice and supported herself.

When she recovered she moved to Mexico to the healer and Shamans area. There with the help of her partner she gave birth to her daughter and continued to embrace shamanistic healing. She shared the five arts with her daughter there. Her music began to blossom again in Mexico. She was the lead singer for an Irish band "Campo A Travessa" and sang the poetry of Ekiwah Adler Belendaez in Spanish at the Tepoztlan Cathedral. And Held two title role in the Opera company of Federico Alvarez de Torro. There she also created two magical jewelery buisness" "Nectar jewelery" with the twons women of Amatlan. and "Visions" jewelery with the Huichole indians of the Sierra madres. These buisiness helped to support indiginous families as well as her own family for many years. She was also the Artist in residence and yoga teacher at a private school of the arts in Tepoztlan called "Xinemi"as the means of giving her daughter a private school of many love miracles in Mexico!

12) When she returned to shelburn falls She co- founded and co-directed with her partner" The Art Bridge, center for the five arts." There she taught the five arts to home schoolers by day and adults on weekends.

13) At the Art Bridge Eve Became infamous for her magical family parties that were also community musicals. She produced these original epic Puppettshows that burt to life with live action actors with all her students as well as professional actors dancers and musicians and the parents of the children. She also created 40 original puppett show comedies with the children over four years. Out of this time She created with her partnner "Art-Ecology world peace embassedore training" which is a charter school template that meets state requirements. Much of this curriculem is up on line. Eve will train any one for free who would like to carry it out.

14) When the Art bridge completed its journey she needed to go more within. She resumed her healing practice But added Massage to bring more mother earth sensuality into her healing work. She also started doing henna Tattooo decorative blessings at festivals. This has given her the base support to deeply allow her song writing to help her spirit flourish. She also worked as a Yoga teacher which gave her daughter another blessed Private school experience at the greenfield center school for 8 years.

15) At this time She recieved a powerful inner directive to devote her self to music. And began song writing with the collaboration of a renound Brazilian guitarist in Miami. After several years of flying back anfd forth from Shelburn Falls to Miami She produced her first preliminary album. Then With the collaboration of Daniel Jounson, Jounathan Dorr and Daniel Kinsey she produced her second preliminary album. And with Freddy Chappelliquen three songs for the album of the best of all of these songs ready to go with your help!

The magic of all of these adventures flow into her music and bring her great joy! With your support she will begin touring with the tracks from this album (minus her voice) and allow the Goddess magic she has been filled with to come into bloom with you !